
TOEFL-д бэлдэж байгаа хvмvvст .../1/

  Joohon ch gesen hereg boloh bolvuu bi uuruu bas toefl-d beldej bga uhaantain. 
The Northfield College Student Association recently decided to make a new purchase. Read the following announcement in the college newspaper about the decision. (Reading time in an actual test would be 45-50 seconds.)


Good News for Movie Fans


The Student Association has just purchased a new sound system for the Old Lincoln Hall auditorium, the place where movies on campus are currently shown. By installing the new sound system, the Student Association hopes to attract more students to the movies and increase ticket sales. Before making the purchase of the new equipment, the Student Association conducted a survey on campus to see what kind of entertainment students liked best. Going to the movies ranked number one. “Students at Northfield College love going to the movies” said the president of the Student Association, “so we decided to make what they already love even better. We’re confident that the investment into the sound system will translate into increased ticket sales.”



(Male student) I really think the Student Association made a bad decision.


(Female student) Really? Why? Don’t you like going to the movies?


(Male student) Sure I do. But this new purchase is just a waste of money.


(Female student) What do you mean? It’s supposed to sound really good.


(Male student) Yeah, well, I’m sure it does, but, in Old Lincoln Hall? I mean that building must be 200 years old! It used to be the college gym! The acoustics are terrible.


(Female student) So you’re saying there’ll be no improvement?


(Male student) That’s right. And also, I seriously doubt that going to the movies is the number one social activity for most students.


(Female student) Yeah, but that’s what students said.


(Male student) Well, of course that’s what they said. What else is there to do on campus?


(Female student) What do you mean?


(Male student) I mean, there isn’t much to do on campus besides go to the movies. If there were other forms of, uh recreation, or other social activities, you know, I don’t think most students would have said that going to the movies was their first choice.


Question: The man expresses his opinion of the Student Association’s recent purchase.

                  State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


Preparation Time: 30 seconds

Response Time: 60 seconds


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2011-10-04 -

Бичсэн: Zurai
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